• AUCOTEAM Manufacturing

AUCOTEAM manufacturing

The sheet metal processing and component manufacturing at AUCOTEAM produces sheet metal housing, components, systems and switching cabinets using toll manufacturing processes. With 19 highly motivated specialists and an extensive array of machinery that fulfils the highest requirements, our software-controlled production process and a robust Quality Assurance System, we can fulfil the most demanding customer requirements.

Our services

Manufacturing services: From the design phase to the finished housing made of sheet or stainless steel

  • Sheet metal processing
  • Component manufacturing
  • Gasceting (seal foaming)
  • 3-D laser cutting

Sheet metal processing

Your contact person

Frank Schuldig
Josef-Orlopp-Straße 58
10365 Berlin
T. +49 30 42188-368
F. +49 30 2315467

Email us

3-D laser cutting

When handling production quantities above a certain level, 3D laser cutting is a cost-effective alternative to conventional manufacturing practices such as punching, bending, drilling, milling and joining. In addition, certain materials can only be processed with laser technology later on due to their rigidity. In comparison to other manufacturing technologies, 3D laser cutting is both more flexible and capable of delivering an almost unlimited number of hole and contour patterns in components. There are none of the limitations that result from high tooling costs with the forms and contours to be used.


Committed and well-qualified specialists work in a manufacturing operation spanning over 1,000 m² of production space. Our key focus is on CNC sheet metal processing, from punch laser machine cutting through to stamping, to welded components and/or final assembly and component manufacturing.


We ensure compliance with scheduling and quality requirements when manufacturing using the latest machines. The high level of automation allows for orders involving large unit quantities to be processed quickly and cost effectively. The machines work (in part) fully automatically and around the clock. Our machinery is being continuously expanded.


Parts list and work plans are stored in our “APplus” ERP system. This allows for variations to be managed and orders to be tracked. Our order time recording provides us with an objective understanding of the progress of order development, which is then used during our daily production meeting.

Quality assurance

The manufacturing process is safeguarded by way of an established Quality Assurance System. In particular, the early identification of measurement deviations using the TRUMPF Qualifier 1250 facilitates a cost-conscious manufacturing process.

Your contact person

Frank Schuldig
T. +49 30 42188-368
F. +49 30 2315467

EMail us

Operating part II
Josef-Orlopp-Str. 58 | 10365 Berlin

AUCOTEAM offers more than just manufacturing services

The engineers and specialists at AUCOTEAM GmbH solve sophisticated tasks originating from industry and administration. Our business divisions:

Software & Automation Testing services